2005-02 KC pictures (3)
2005-03 Palm Desert (12) Palm Desert
Palm Desert
2005-03 Palm Desert (13) Palm Desert
Palm Desert
2005-03 Palm Desert (14) Joe,KC,Vali,Maxine
2005-03 Palm Desert (15) 2005-03 Palm Desert
2005-03 Palm Desert
2005-03 KC braces 1
2005-04 French exchange students 2
2005-04 French exchange students 1
2005-06 Yosemite (11) KC,Lindsay,Vali
2005-06 Yosemite (12) 3/05: Yosemite Falls with the Sabatinis, the Spencers and the Variens.
3/05: Yosemite Falls
with the Sabatinis, the Spencers and the Variens.
2005-07 KC42
2005-07 KC43
2005-07 KC56
2005-07 KC57
2005-08 KC 15th birthday (1)
2005-08 KC 15th birthday (2)
2005-08 KC 15th birthday (6)
2005-08 KC 15th birthday (9)
2005-08 KC 15th birthday (11)
2005-08 Valis 50th (13) KC, Lauren, Chelsea
KC, Lauren, Chelsea
